Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Other sites around Budapest

The Central Market is certainly worth a visit if you're ever in Budapest. This is a massive building (looks like a train station) filled with vendors selling mostly food. On the ground floor the vendors are set up in little cubes selling fresh produce...

...and various meat products.

Meantime, on the first floor (in America we'd call this the second floor, but that's how they do it in Europe), the vendors were selling prepared food. I had a very tasty turkey in paprika cream sauce for lunch. As you can see, the hall is packed with shopper and tourists, but believe me, many of those people are local Hungarians who do their shopping at the market each day.

Elsewhere, I toured the House of Terror. This isn't some amusement park fun house. Rather, it's a Hungarian museum dedicated to memorializing the past 70 years of oppression, first at the hands of the Nazi Germans, then from the Communist Soviets. It's a chilling display of the brutality realized under both regimes, and I read that it (understandably) is too difficult for many locals to enter. There are pictures of many of the execution victims at the hands of the Nazis and Soviets, and there are photos and names of many of the Hungarians who worked for these governments...some of them still living in Hungarian society. So, it's easy to understand how a place like this could trigger such emotion.

This picture symbolically captures the Hungarian uprising of 1956, in which a group of nationalists attempted to overthrow the Soviet dictatorship. For a matter of hours Hungary achieved independence as students and protesters took to the streets and the Parliament Building in Budapest. But, when Soviet tanks rolled into town, thousands were killed and the revolt was crushed. The phrase on the wall reads "Go Home Russians." The flag is that of Hungary at the time. In the center of the flag was a symbol of the communist regime. Protesters took to cutting these out and flying them as displayed.


Anonymous said...

i heard a story the other day on the news about the flooding in hungary, and they mentioned a dam that had broken on the danube. did that happen whilst you were seeing sights around bp? or had you already made your escape? (escape from budapest was the 4th in the line of "escape from..." movies, following New York (NOO-york), LA (EL-ay), Cleveland (RUST-bucket), but Kurt Russell would have nothing to do with the filming as I understand it).

great pictures, man. i mean really fitting. must have been a great Easter weekend. beth was reading through some of the blog, and was lamenting the fact that the net wasn't this useful back when she was in europe. it's such a great and interesting read, and like i said, the pictures put it all together. i have to say, you're doing this perfectly.

i'll be honest...if you had fears of 24/7 of goulash like cori mentioned, how is all this poultry in paprika or pepper cream sauce any better? yikes. i think an extended trip to budapest sounds like the newest diet fad that could run through the states. screw south beach. the Iron Curtain Weight Loss program is calling!

Anonymous said...

found this link about the arm. click and page down to the 3rd story titled "Hungarian King and Queen Celebrate 1000 years"....

The Hungary Traveler said...

Thanks Jer, that's a good story. I didn't know they have the queen's body parts too.

The sentence about "Istvan's right hand leads religous ceremonies throughout Budapest" just seems funny to me. It really is just a mummified hand. When the Hungarian hear about me missing out on seeing his hand, they all say, "It's just his hand." So, apparently not everyone is so devout when it comes to idolizing former leader's body parts.

Anonymous said...

funny. there is also a bunch of info on wikipedia about the king, although not specifically about his hand.