Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My numbers

Okay, here's a run at pronouncing the numbers, from memory:

1 - Aydg (this is the hardest one to pronounce - It's like "egg" but with more of that french g-j sound. Personally, I don't think I can make the sound.
2 - KET-tyoo
3- HAY-rahm
4 - nadg (this one's also difficult to master - It's spelled negy and the "gy" is the same as in the Hungarian name for Hungary: Magyar, making the pronunciation of that word "MOH-dgyar." It has a very subtle "g" sound, almost like our word "Ledger."
5 - eyoot
6- hot
7- hate
8- nyawtlz (sounds like you're from Brooklyn when you say this)
9 - KEE-lentz
10 - teez

Also, thank you is Koszonom pronounced "KOHS-uh-nem"

Again, in EVERY Hungarian word, the stress is on the first syllable...which make the speech patterns very rhythmic.


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