Thursday, June 01, 2006

Czecking in

Tomorrow morning (Friday) I'll take the train to Prague, Czech Republic for the weekend! Nearly everyone I've spoken to says it's a wonderful city. I know little about it, other than that it's the tourist mecca of Eastern Europe, there are many pick pockets there, and it has a great music scene (including jazz).

My train from Szolnok leaves around 8:30. In Budapest I'll change trains and take an 8 hour ride straight to Prague (or Praha in Czech). Fri-Sun nights I'll sleep in hostels, and Monday night I'll take a night train back to Budapest, arriving around 7, then it's back to Szolnok by 10.

The trip takes me through Slovakia, and near Poland. I considered taking a train Sunday night to Krakow, Poland, which I hear is beautiful. But, I really want to focus in on one place and get to know it a bit. There will be other opportunities to get to Krakow I hope.

Finally, after this trip I will have been in 4 of the 7 countries that border Hungary. Still to go: Ukraine, Romania and Serbia (no longer Serbia and Montenegro). Romania is an easy one; Nearly a third of the people there are Hungarian. Ukraine is far and poor, but my grandfather was born there so I want to visit. Someday I will, but not in the next month. Serbia night be tough. It's not the most friendly place in the world. Maybe a can steal a visit on a day trip.

I'm sure I'll have a lot of pictures to share when I return on Tuesday. I'll try to write a few words from the hostels on the road.

Sziastok (plural form of "bye"...akin to "bye y'all")


Lenč said...

Just to let you know...Serbia is not as bad as you can hear..If you will go to Belgrade you will find out that people are just great...They are really open, friendly, easygoing and full of fun and energy..You should try their meat (hamburgers are just the best in the world!)Really!! I am not joking..All countries of former Yugoslavia are just great..Don't believe newspapers at all!!!
About Prague and will love it. For sure...
Sorry for that, but it's relly sad to hear that...Because some people still think that in Slovenia is still war, but we have "war" just 2 days...:)

Cori said...

Lenc, it's so interesting to have your comments on Mike's travels. You have a perspective that I, as an American, can't have. Glad you're part of the blog.
Mike - love the "Czecking in" title. And it sounds like you'll need A LOT more time in Eastern Europe to see everything - maybe even a year or two?!

Lenč said...

Oh, sorry I didn't mean to be rude or something...Americans have different perspective, I just can't get used to it.
Mike keep going, sorry for that...