Thursday, December 03, 2009

Welcome to Ghana!

It was a Monday morning at 8:00 when Cori and I hailed a cab outside my sister's apartment in Chicago to head to O'Hare airport. It was a Tuesday morning at 9:30 when we stepped off the plane at Kotoka Airport in Ghana's capital Accra. 19 1/2 hours of travel is all it takes in 2009 to journey from the upper-midwest to the "center of the face of the earth." (Ghana lies just a few degrees north of the crossing of the equator and the Prime Meridian, the point of 0-degrees longitude and 0-degrees latitude).

Stepping off the plane in Accra was amazing! To gaze upon Africa, inhale its air, hear its sounds, all for the first time, was a joy I can not describe.

If Ghana has a national word, it must be "Akwaba!" (ah-KWAH-buh): "Welcome!" The people are so kind, so warm, so...WELCOMING!

Our first days have been filled with countless new experiences, many of which I will recount in the coming days. The heat (Daytime: 90. Nighttime: 82. Dew Point: 78!!)has sapped our energy leaving us with little to devote to creative activities like blogging.

In the meantime, please enjoy the first contributions to our Ghanaian Photo Blog


Leslie said...

Glad you are finally there! I know already I am going to love seeing the familiar sights! Say hello to all for me.

Kristy said...

Wow! Awesome photos already. I love seeing your house and school. Your weather is certainly warmer than ours.... 29 F today.

MON!CA said...

Im so happy you're in Ghana Mr. A! Keep us posted on all of the AWESOME things there!

Also, Mrs. A looks beautiful! :]


Dylan said...

I love that picture of you, Mr. A. You look so ready. Glad you're finally there, and I'm glad you're having a good time!
