Tuesday, September 22, 2009

9 Days To Go

I'm off crutches! I got the clearance this morning during my visit to the orthopedist. He said my Achilles looked very good: greater range of motion than he anticipated at this point, little swelling, and structurally sound. So, he adjusted my ROM-CAM Walker 8003 Series to increase the amount of tension on my Achilles and told me I could start walking with out crutches. Freedom!
During the next couple of weeks, just by walking on it, I'll begin to strengthen the muscles in my foot and ankle (right now my left foot looks like it could belong to a body pulled from the Milwaukee River). Then I can shed the boot and start walking in a shoe (with heel lift inserts, of course). It's a long road to recovery, but at least I'm moving along it.

Cori and I spent a couple hours today going through the medical/health supplies we're bringing to Ghana. Antiseptics, antihistamine, decongestants, anti-diarrheals, antibiotics, malarial prophylaxis, and the list goes on and on. But going through all of it, removing a lot of the packaging, and taking inventory of what we have and still need to pick up was very helpful.
When you start putting things in suitcases and backpacks, it begins to feel very real.


Dylan said...

Unrelated to this post, (It's 12:46 AM on a friday, cut me some slack) I was watching TV and saw a Taco Bell commercial that said "There's no such thing as a free lunch"

I laughed for a good few minutes.

Glad you're doing better!

Dylan said...

Related to this post, that's the same boot I had when I broke my foot. It's probably 10,000x better than a cast. I hope you're doing well, Add me on skype, username Kozlak_ or, Dylan Grant (possibly Dylan A Grant, not sure which...).

I'm posting during marketing with Mr.Hamon. He's a good teacher(not as good as you). I got a question wrong on a test. I said that America was a mixed economy, the 'correct' answer was market. He thinks it's because we're both liberal, which I do find funny. I'd love to actually hear from you sometime, I miss the intelligent conversations I got to have daily with you during Econ. I hope you're well, wherever you happen to be.