Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Regretfully, Cori and I have accepted that discretion is the better part of valor. We will postpone our departure to Ghana by about a month as I heal from a second ruptured Achilles tendon. I'll be in a cast for about the next two weeks, then in a boot for about four to six weeks after that. During the first three to four weeks in the boot I'll gradually begin to walk with weight on my left foot. My aim is to be walking without crutches by the time we fly out.

We haven't selected a fly-out date yet, but it will probably be around October 1.

1 comment:

Miss Footloose said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comments. I wish you all the best in Ghana.

We have lived in several countries and twice in Ghana (our first baby was born there!) and we have a very special feeling for the country.

What I love especially about the Ghanaian people is their sense of fun and how easy it is to laugh with them!

Enjoy! I'll link with your blog and see how you're doing.

Miss Footloose
Tales of the Globetrotting Life