Sunday, March 26, 2006

Here we sit

One week from now I'll be somewhere over Western Europe as the sun rises off the horizon ahead. Three months in a foreign country await: teaching Hungarian high school students, interacting with local people and integrating into society. No doubt I feel excitement at the thought of it all, but that's tempered with fear and anxiety. Three months away from my wife; three months of seeing new faces and new places.

For now, I'm focused on preparation: planning, purchasing, packing. "Should I take five pairs of dress pants or just a couple and purchase a few more when I arrive?" These questions loom today. I can imagine a time not too far in the future when they'll seem trite, yet understandably important at the time.

One thing is for sure: with a laptop and a digital camera, I'll be posting my fair share of pictures on this blog.

So, make this a regular stop of yours through the end of June and don't hesitate to leave your thoughts.


1 comment:

Azor said...

Is the dog you refer to on the masthead SABR?