Wednesday, July 01, 2009


I got my cast off this morning. To quote Lionel Richie: Oh what a feeling!

The doctor told me I should start working on range of motion. Right now I can dorsiflex (point my foot up) about two inches. My tendon is very tight after two weeks in a cast, but he says if I keep working at it I should have nearly full movement back.

What I might not get back is my calf muscle. It's definitely atrophied, and while it will eventually strengthen, it probably won't get back to the same size as the other one (fortunately, neither one was very large to begin with).

And, I can walk. A little. With the boot on I can move about slowly. He told me I could do as much as my body will allow. So, I'm quite confident that I'll be moving about fairly well in a few weeks. Certainly in time for Ghana.

1 comment: said...

Your blog is fine. I just want to comment on the design. Its too loud. Its doing way too much and it takes away from what youve got to say --which I think is really important. I dont know if you didnt think that your words could hold everyones attention, but you were wrong.